Kenny Rogers at the Midsummer Classic
I'd just like to comment on Kenny Roger's decision to go to the All Star Game this year. I don't care how sorry he is or how much he wishes he could redo what happened with the cameraman, he should not go the the game. Let's establish this first: no matter where Rogers goes on the road this year, including the All Star Game, he will get booed. The fans will continue to give him a hard time through the rest of the year. Kenny might regret getting angry, but no matter how many apologies he gives, he will continue to be booed by fans away from Arlington.

Alright, now that that's out of the way, take this into consideration: despite the MLB trying to make the All Star Game more important, it will always be viewed as just a worthless exhibition game, by both the players and the fans (most of them at least). This is also why I don't mind players refusing to go to get rest. Instead of making the game count, the MLB should market it as a celebration of baseball and its best players for the fans to see. After all, that's really what it was meant to be at first. If you see a baseball official say that it's important for Kenny to play because he's one of the best pitchers and the All Star Game is important so he needs to pitch for his team, don't believe the official, because I'm sure that the MLB is more concerned with public relations than the outcome of the game when it comes to the All Star Game.

I think that both the MLB and Rogers should've looked at the situation and came to the realization that, if and or when Kenny comes to the mound during the game, he will get booed immensely, making the MLB look pretty bad. Of course, the MLB wouldn't want that, so I can't see them wanting Rogers to play. However, he was chosen, so I think the MLB and Terry Francona did a good job in telling him that it's his choice to decide if he wants to go through that. So at this point, the ball was in Kenny's court. I think he should've realized that, not only was an appearance at the All Star Game going to hurt his image, it was also going to make baseball look bad. Thus, he should've taken it upon himself to save himself and the MLB of this embarassment.
However, of course, Kenny wants his All Star bonus money, so of course he'll go! Thank's Kenny.
I agree that he is putting himself before the game. However, I don't think you can put him in the same class as Bonds and Sheffield. While Rogers is ignoring the fans and how much the MLB will be embarassed by him being there, Bonds and Sheffield comprimised the entire history of baseball throughout their entire careers (both steroid and attitude stuff). Rogers isn't exactly one of the good guys of baseball, but he's not a Bonds.
Thanks for the comment!
10:50 PM
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